Thursday, July 14, 2011

A Simple Day

So simple this day was.  A little boy admiring his grandfather's work at lighting and blowing up fireworks.  It wasn’t even the fourth of July or New Year’s.  Just a random day during a routine visit.  My son and daughter do not have the joys of grandparents that live close by as I did as a child.  One set is 16 hours away and the other 12 hours.  The monarchs of the family both have health issues that makes travel for them difficult or impossible. 

My husband and I both have the joys of full time demanding jobs.  It leaves little time for spontaneous, hell, even planned out, romps across the country.  When we do get to “go home” five days gets two years worth of activity squeezed in.

When I was growing up my Great Grandparents lived “across” the garden.  They were my primary caretakers while mom worked and dad was off with the military somewhere.  Every day, after an hour plus ride on the big yellow cheese, I would make my way to my great grandmother’s kitchen.  There we were offered biscuits butter and sugar, little Debbie snacks, fresh strawberries out of the garden, or a variety of other bad for your teeth stuff. 

I think back to those moments sometimes and wish I could recapture them.  I wish I could get up at 6am, throw some clothes on, and run across that garden to see what the day would hold.  Magic.....

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